After a great 4th of July Week and some much-needed downtime from grad work, I am back at it!
This week my Google Alerts brought me an interesting article from Proactive Investors, Lingo Media Corp is building a new English Language Learning tool. They are a print-based publisher from China, looking to expand how they teach EL students. The article cites in the world today there are 1.6 Billion people learning English as a Second a Language right now. The media literacy giant is trying to break into a new market with its program that will be unique. Harmantas, has some inside details about Lingo Media Corp’s program, stating “A major differentiating feature of the product is Lingo’s speech recognition technology that allows users to analyze pronunciation and simulate real-life conversation scenarios. Users can record and compare themselves with native speakers to match their pronunciation.”
With technologies based on assessing and giving realtime feedback on an L2 student's English speaking skills, students will increase their English acquisition. Technology is on a rise and new ways of educating our students are making everyday tasks more authentic and meaningful for EL students. Courseware introduced by established companies looking to break through to a new way of learning should be highly looked at by educators. Some technologies can help enhance a classroom and even create an easier job for the teacher who is looking to add some mechanics where work can be easily replicated by a machine.
I really enjoy looking for new technologies for use in any classroom. EdTech is a passion of mine and I think a wide variety of technologies can be used to assist in all student learning. Personalizing the learning allows student choice, gives the student a voice and empowers their learning.
I like that Lingo Media Corp’s program is looking into speech recognition. This has been something I have thought about a lot over the course. Hopefully, they will provide a new option for us that is cost effective and practical. Good find.